Whether it's the extreme over-acting or the magical special effects, infomercials are like a train wreck we just can't not watch. From the Magic Bullet to Oxi-clean, the products for sale are endless and hilarious, especially when it comes to fashion. Where else can you buy spray-on tights, a wearable towel, and pajama jeans? From the comfort of your couch (or in our case, our desk chair), we've uncovered an Aladdin's cave of gadgets and goodies to round you out, cover you up, and get you looking your fashionable-ist, if these infomercials are to be trusted.

Let us know which one is your ABSOLUTE FAVE!

1. Nyce Legs Spray On Nylons
How nyce! But they forgot to mention that while "wearing" these babies, you can't touch anyone, sit on anything, or cross your legs.

As LOST winds down, there are tons of questions left: what ever happened to Vincent? What is the island? Is the stuff in the side flashes really happening? Also, what the hell is up with everyone still having such good hair after all that time without showering? Here, we ask some of the show’s characters questions about their jungle style.

Click or roll over each photo to
By: Lilit Marcus
A collage of beautiful vintage wedding gowns....
Can you guess which weddings were real?
Which dress would YOU wear? :)

*Be sure to keep checking back on this post as I will continue to add more photos every now & then.
Taken from iLSuL6ana.com
One of the world’s most famous children’s toys, Barbie, has been given a makeover  – wearing a burkha.

Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby’s for Save The Children.

More than 500 Barbies went on show yesterday at the Salone dei Cinquecento, in Florence, Italy.

For the rest click HERE!

These handbags are made from recycled computer keyboards & will show off your environmental a-wear-ness!
Your friends will be “green” with envy! Cute!
Most women would never dream of throwing away their wedding dress. Brides search for weeks, sometimes even months, to find that perfect white gown, and end up spending hundreds, even thousands of dollars on an item they’ll wear for just one day (then store in their closets for years to come). But now with the push for more environmentally friendly options, the notion of keepsake fashion is changing. Students studying fashion and engineering at Sheffield Hallam University created a wedding dress that’s the ultimate in eco-friendly. After the big day, simply add water and the white gown dissolves, leaving zero trace of its existence. While most would gasp in horror at watching their wedding dress disappear, this is actually an interesting move towards sustainability for our environment and the need to create (and use) green fashions. Since the dress is made of polyvinyl alcohol, it will simply disintegrate into nothingness and space in landfills, not to mention your closet.

Source: [Telegraph]

Artist Meekyoung Shin specializes in crafting vases and statuary that look like they came from another century. Her work ranges from busts of Venus and Cycladic statues to gorgeous vases so thin that they're translucent. They're beautiful, seen in galleries and exhibitions all over the place — and they're all made of soap. That's right, the artist crafts her pieces, which she calls "translations," from run-of-the-mill suds. Recently, she even crafted a gold-plated Buddha out of soap. What do you think of her work?

Source: The Kukje Gallery

You want to know what Carrie’s wearing, and we’re telling you everything! - Cindy Pearlman, BettyConfidential.com
It’s time to Carrie on. Forget about what happens to Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big, or if Charlotte loses her mind as a new mom. It’s interesting to see Samantha back on the prowl and Miranda trying to trust Steve again. He’s a bartender. She can only hope for the best!

The real question when it comes to the much anticipated Sex and the City 2 sequel is simple. What will the ladies be wearing? “The fashion really is another character in the movie,” says Sarah Jessica Parker who promises that SATC 2 “won’t disappoint on that front.” Costume designer Patricia Field has confirmed that white plays a large role in the movie because the action takes place over seven weeks during the summer. “I’m going for a new look and new elements,” promises Field.

After all, three out of the four girls are married and they’re somewhat settled or unsettled about the traditional roles they’ve found themselves in. The gang is moving on with their lives when we meet them two years post-Carrie becoming Mrs. Big. What’s a girl a little bored with marital bliss to do, but grab three girlfriends and travel for a lush Middle Eastern vacation where she runs into an old boyfriend named Aidan Shaw? Don’t worry. He's dropped the turquoise jewelry that he was famous for wearing in the show.

Carrie’s Must Haves 
(Click on each picture to read more)
Tell us: Would you buy anything that was shown in the movie?